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NOTE: The Chronology of the Old Testament has a set of 12 detailed chronolgy charts (as noted below under Chronology Charts) in linear format available for purchase from Thomas Printworks (832.201.2000). To order, downland their Credit Card Authorization Form and complete and save it to your computer, then attach it to an email to, Thomas Printworks at and request the Floyd Jones Charts and provide them the quantity, whether color or black & white and your name and shipping address. The charts come rolled up centered on an 18 inch width roll.
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The Chronology Of The Old Testament
A standard chronology of the Old Testament has been constructed utilizing diagrams, charts and other forms of graphic representation which address this complex subject in a scriptural and scholarly yet easy-to-understand manner. Beginning with the Creation recorded in the first two chapters of Genesis, the continuous unbroken line of dated events embedded within the Holy Scriptures is logically followed as it spans 40 centuries to the Crucifixion and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Over the years detractors have observed the differing chronological solutions and concluded that the attempt to construct a reliable biblical framework was futile. It will be demonstrated that every chronological statement contained in the Sacred Writ is consistent with all other chronological statements contained therein. |
Chronology Charts
The Chronology Charts listed below (1-6) are contained in the above book, Chronology of the Old Testament and features:
- Scriptural solutions to many biblical mathematical controversies
- Sir Robert Anderson's calculation error corrected
- The 483-year prophecy of Daniel 9:25 explained
- A scriptural formula which biblically synchronizes the kingdoms of Judah and Israel
- 48 charts, graphs, and diagrams included in text
- Fully indexed with complete bibliography
- Supports and updates James Ussher's Annals of the World
1 - Creation to Jesus Christ
4 BC -4004 BC (4000 AM - 0 AM). Computation of the years from the birth of Jesus back to the year of Creation with dates of significant events (1 pdf page linear chart).
2 - Jacob's Age Determined
Using two methods to calculate Jacob's age with dates of significant events (1-page pdf).. |
3 - 430 Years Sojourn – Ex 12:40, Gal 3:17
Calculation of the 430 years from the time Abrahan entered the Promised Land until the giving of the Law three months after the Exodus with dates of significant events (1-page pdf linear chart). |
3A - The 4 Generations of Genesis – Genesis 15:14-15
185 years from the birth of Levi to the birth of Moses = 4 generations; “but in the fourth generation they shall come hither again:…” (1-page pdf linear chart). |
3B - Judah’s Lineage-Egypt (see Charts 3 & 3B)
Possible scenario for Judah's family in Egypt – the 215, 400 & 430 years of sojourn in Canaan; and the affliction in Egypt (1-page pdf linear chart). |
3CDEF - Judah & Jacob
3C- Outline of Jacob’s life. 3D- Jacobs 20 years with Laban. 3EF- Showing why Jacob had to have received his wives very soon after his arrival at Laban’s. (1-page pdf linear chart). |
4 - Judges to the First 3 Kings
Detailed explanation of the 450 and 480 years with a linear chronology chart depicting the years and resolving the preceived conflict (1-page pdf linear chart). |
4B - Judges Tested by Judah’s Lineage
Detailed explanation of the 450 and 480 years using Judah's lineage with a linear chronology chart depicting the years and resolving the preceived conflict (1-page pdf linear chart). |
5 - Kings of the Divided Monarchy BC 975-586 BC
BC 975-586 Detailed explanation of the reign of the Kings of the divided monarchy with a linear chronology chart depicting the years and explaining the year of acension. Chart 5 illustrates in exhaustive detail the two problems in understanding basic chronology in the Books of Kings and Chronicles (1-page pdf linear chart).
First Problem The first is determining the month used by a king and/or nation in beginning the regnal year. The kings of Judah used Spring (the month of Nisan [Abib). Further, the Hebrew new years were regulated by observable natural phenomena controlled by the sun such as the stage of crop development and flowering of the almond tree, and not by merely numbering the lunar months and days.
Second Problem The second is understanding the method used in reckoning regal years. The kings of Judah used accession dating while those of Israel normally chose the non-accession method. When these two facts are thoroughly understood, apparent discrepancies between Israel and Judah disappear.
5A - Kings of the Divided Monarchy Simplified
Chart 5a is Chart 5 with all documentation removed to yield a shorter, simplified version. Displaying the Nisan year positioning as well as the vast number of control points for hands-on study (1-page pdf linear chart). |
5C - Kings of the Divided Monarchy
Chart 5c is Chart 5 with the most detailed, yet uncluttered, presentation of the divided monarchy period (1-page pdf linear chart). |
6 - Creation to Creator
4004 BC - 4 BC (0 AM - 4000 AM). Computation of the years from Creation to the birth of Jesus with a linear chronology chart with dates of significant events. The books of the Bible are placed near the top and immediately above the dates, events, and men’s lives which transpired within their narratives so that it may be seen where they fit in relation and sequence to the unfolding history. In addition, the time span covered by each book has been carefully calculated, thus enabling one to place them at their precise proper location (1-page pdf linear chart).
1656 years - From Creation/ Adam ~ To the Flood of Noah The extreme left side of the sixth chart gives all the scriptural documentation necessary to enable one to graph the patriarchs’ lifelines beginning with Adam (life span = 930 years, Gen. 5:5) and displays those listed in Genesis 5 unto the year of the Flood (1656 BC). Gleaned from the Scriptures on the left, these 1,656 years represent the time span from the birth, fathering, and death of each of the family patriarchs who lived from the Creation to the Flood. Thus the Word of God gives us a continuous uninterrupted genealogy of man’s earliest record (defense on Chart 1; also pages 21–41 herein).
427 years – From the Flood of Noah ~ To the Covenant with Abraham Next is depicted a 427-year period portraying the patriarchs’ life spans from the Flood to the Covenant with Abraham as recorded in Genesis 10 and 11.
430 years – From the Covenant with Abraham ~ To the Exodus This is followed by the 430-year interval from the covenant with Abraham to the Exodus, displaying the interval from 1921 BC to 1491 (Chart 1, see the encampments during the 40 years of wandering on page 262).
480 years – From the Exodus ~ To King Solomon’s Death/ the Kingdom Divided Then a 480-year segment (1 Kings 6:1) delineates the span from the Exodus to very early in Solomon’s 4th year when he began to build the Temple, (1491 – 1012 BC). The remaining 36 (nearly 37) years of Solomon’s 40-year reign beginning, not at the end of his 4th year but during the 4th (i.e., 3 years plus 1 month and 2 days, 1 Kings 6:1; 2 Chron. 3:1–2) is then added taking the history to 975 BC (AM 3029). This is the year of Solomon’s death and the resulting disruption or schism of the kingdom into the two Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. These figures total 479 complete years, 1 month, and 2 days, bringing us into the 480th year (pages 72– 77).
390 years – From King Solomon’s Death/ the Kingdom Divided ~ To the end of the Kingdom of Judah Chart 6 then visually portrays this division of the kingdom and the 390-year period over which the Kingdom of Judah continued to exist as an entity (Ezek. 4:4–5, defended and explained pages 132–135), terminating about 586 BC. From that point, the 70-year segment of the “desolations”, so-called as throughout that interval there was no Temple in Jerusalem, brings the study forward to 516 BC, the sixth year of Darius I Hystaspis during which the new Temple was completed (Ezra 6:15).
OBSERVE! Genesis is the “Seedbed” of the Bible The amount of time spanned by the events contained in the Book of Genesis is uncommonly conspicuous – that of 2,369 years, representing over half of Bible chronology! Being the “seedbed” for all the major doctrines of the New Testament, it is no small wonder that this book has been the special object of Satan’s attacks concerning its validity and reliability over the centuries.
It is the firm conviction and considered conclusion of this author that it is important to have a reliable written authority. Furthermore, a “triangulation” formula procedure is developed and introduced which sustains and precisely verifies the academic status of the Word of God over the controversial period of the divided monarchy. Moreover, after extensive examination regarding all chronological data and related statements contained therein, the justifiable conclusion of this research is that the text of the Holy Writ has been academically defended in this work.
You can purchase these books below from
King Word Press 15 King David Drive Jackson, TN 38305. (731) 618-2575 Attn: Craig Jacobs
Chronology Of The Life of Christ
An exhaustive, systematic and unified chronology of the life of Christ Jesus as recorded in the four Gospels, totally independent of all modern theories of textual criticism and other liberal speculations, built and harmonized based solely upon the internal content of the historical, traditional Greek text of the New Testament. (291 pages in PDF format with Bibliography, Index and extensive footnotes.
It is important for the Christian to have a reliable text as the basis for his faith and conduct, particularly that portion dealing with the life of its preeminent Personage – He who is the focus of the entire Biblical message. Thus, a reliable chronological parallel account of the Scriptures covering the events attendant to the life of Christ Jesus must be viewed as a most essential study aid for the student.
The original manuscripts of the New Testament were copied many times. As copies were made from the differing generations of copies, over the years numerous variant readings came to appear in the NT manuscripts. Whereas many of these were merely spelling variations, some were far more serious. These consisted of the omission of words, phrases, clauses, and even entire sentences, verses and paragraphs. Arising either from inadvertent errors of copyists or from the efforts of scholars (whether well meaning or otherwise) intending to correct or "restore" the text, the existence of these variant readings has compromised its integrity in the eyes of both academia and the Church.
This work reflects the original conservative, evangelical view of the conflict which has arisen between the differing schools of thought among textual critics, each having its own presuppositions and methodologies for evaluating the authenticity of a given reading and the relative importance of a given manuscript. Having written two definitive works on the subject, this author is secure in selecting as his base the "Received Text" (Textus Receptus). It is this Greek text and not the recent "critical" text (UBS3 or Nestle/Aland26, the modern Eclectic school's versions of the 1881 Westcott-Hort revised NT text) which was the foundation relied upon by the Reformers and the great revivalists of the past few centuries. |
Ripped Out Of The Bible
See what is missing in the new translations of the Bible! Did you know that the Greek New Testament text historically used down through the centuries by the believing Church has been cast aside and replaced by a radically different Greek text? Nearly everyone has the impression that the difference in the wording between modern translations and the 1611 King James Bible is mainly due to synonym choices and language changes. Such is not the situation. The outrageous reason is that almost all translations since 1881 have been made from a drastically different Greek text than was used to prepare the older versions. The traditional Greek has been replaced! Dr. Jones digs deep into the truth of God's Word and separates the sheep from the goats. |
The Persian Problem
An inherent built-in dilemma exists embedded within the pages of the God-given Holy Scriptures. It squarely confronts all historians and chronologers who attempt to identify and synchronize that part which relates to the various Persian kings whose names or titles are preserved therein. This difficulty, which we refer to herein as “The Persian Problem”, is a natural consequence of the Bible data relating to these kings of Persian. As this problem affects a significant portion of Scripture and causes doubt in the minds of many regarding the accurateness and faithfulness of its content, the bothersome issue demands our attention. What then is this problem, and how does it reveal itself? The “problem” actually consists of three separate parts. First Problem The first revolves around the identification of the “Artaxerxes” in the books of Ezra (chapters six–seven) and Nehemiah. This part of “the problem” is well known and should come as no surprise to our reader. Truly, the chronology and history of this period depends entirely upon the correct identification of the Persian monarchs who occur in Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. This is one of the greatest problems in biblical chronology. In order to resolve the matter, over the years Cyrus the Great, Darius I Hystaspis (the Great) of Marathon, Artaxerxes I Longimanus, along with Artaxerxes II Mnemon have been offered as being the “Artaxerxes” of Ezra 6:14, Ezra 7, and the Book of Nehemiah. Second Problem To our knowledge, all chronologers agree that Xerxes ascended the throne of Persia in 486 BC1 and that his son, Artaxerxes Longimanus, died in 424 BC. However, even among almost all the most well-informed academicians, it is not common knowledge that, with regard to the biblical usage, the first year Artaxerxes Longimanus was associated on the Persian throne is not correctly known! This shocking fact and its resolution is the second part of our “Persian Problem”. As shall be shown, not properly arriving at this date undermines the validity of almost all the previous works by other chronologers. It is this date that is paramount. Undoubtedly, our reader will muse: “And why is this so?”
As Daniel 9:24–27 teaches that the Messiah will be slain 483 years after the issuing of a decree for the Jews to restore and build Jerusalem as well as its walls during “troublous times” and as Nehemiah 2:1−6:15 shows that this edict was given “in the 20th year of Artaxerxes”, we see that it is not enough to merely determine which “Artaxerxes” of Persia is meant. We must also fix his biblically intended “first year” in order to establish the date of his 20th.
Third Problem The third and least recognized part of “the Persian Problem” revolves around the circumstance that resulted when biblical scholarship set about to solve the age problem they saw with regard to Ezra and Nehemiah. Believing it had accomplished this task, they failed to compare the list of 31 priests and Levites returning with Zerubbabel in the first year of Cyrus as sole Rex of Persia and Babylonia (536 BC) recorded at Nehemiah 12:1–9 with the list of priests and Levites who sealed a covenant with Nehemiah in chapter 10:1–10.
Had they so done, they would have discovered that in creating their imagined second Ezra and Nehemiah (as well as their second Mordecai) by incorrectly altering the natural contextual flow between Nehemiah 7:23 to chapter 8:1–2, the 445 BC date they forced on the latter passage in order to resolve the age quandary involving Ezra and Nehemiah actually created a far greater excessive age problem involving many more individuals over that time-span. Having not made this comparison, biblical academia is almost completely unaware of this – and this is at the very heart of “the Persian Problem”.
The Septuagint A Critical Analysis
Believing the LXX contains readings that have been lost or corrupted in the Hebrew Scriptures, these critics hold that the Septuagint may be used in determining places to "correct and restore" these adulterated readings. This illustrates the important position which the LXX has attained in Old Testament text-critical circles. Indeed, one constantly reads in the relevant literature that it was "the" Bible of the early Christians. But – we wonder – is such veneration of the Septuagint by academia justified. Does the New Testament actually quote from the LXX? This fresh critical analysis examines the above with surprising results. |
Which Version Is The Bible?
An alarming expose' documenting the reasons for the differences between the modern translations of the Bible and the historical translations of the Bible such as the 1611 King James Bible and other older Bible versions. Numerous illustrations of these significant differences are presented, and the myth that the differences in modern versions are mainly due to synonym choices and language changes is dispelled. The casting aside of the traditional Greek New Testament text, which is the basis of the historic versions by Tyndale, Luther, Coverdale, and others, is meticulously documented.
Also carefully documented in the process which produced the radically different Greek text of the modern versions, including an analysis of textual criticism. The completely unscientific basis of the methods of textual criticism are also exposed, and evidence that the traditional Greek text is actually much older than the newer critical text of the modern versions is presented. The work is carefully footnoted and includes a complete and comprehensive bibliography and index. |
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17 "But without faith, it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Hebrews 11:6